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Prompts for entrepreneurs and business professionals

Boost Your Business with ChatGPT Prompts

Businesses professionals can leverage the power of ChatGPT to achieve their goals. Simply copy and paste one of our prompts into ChatGPT and see the magic happen.

Generate Ideas

Simple: Brainstorm 10 ideas about how to [your goal; ex.: grow my revenue] as a business owner.

Advanced: Act as a mentor and seasoned entrepreneurs. I am the owner of a business selling [product or service details; ex.: paint services]. What product or service can I launch? Provide 10 detailed ideas.

Next prompt: Expand on each idea and rank the ideas from easiest to hardest to implement and explain why.

Next prompt: Elaborate a detailed plan and easy to understand on the first point.

You can ask ChatGPT to elaborate on each point one at a time.

Write Professional Emails

Simple: Write a professional, concise, and precise email to [recipient] to say I want to [purpose]

Advanced prompt:

  • Act as the [your role within the organization].

  • Write an email to [a group; names; role; my team; customers, etc]

  • Topic: To get them to [purpose of the email. Example: work together to come up with a plan to deal with…]

  • Style: clear, precise, professional

Improve Your Email Replies

Simple prompt: Improve this email: [draft email message]

Advanced prompt: Improve this email with the following instructions:

  • I am replying to [title or role of the person]

  • Content goal: [motivate recipient to; ex.: decline an invitation…; persuade recipient to…; sell my service…; etc.]

  • Writing style: clear, concise, experienced.

Innovative Prompts

Generate Strategies to Grow your Business

What product or service can I launch given I already a business in […]?

What product or service can I launch given I already have a [type of business; ex.: bakery]?

How can I upsell to my customers? I am currently in the business of [type of business]

How can I easily generate more sales in my [type of business: ex.: restaurant] business?

Give specific recommendations for point [1].

I own of a business selling [product or service details; ex.: paint services]. Recommend specific and detailed ways to increase my prices without loosing customers?

I sell [product/service; ex.: toys]. Recommend specific ideas to generate recurring sales.

Spark Creative Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs

Generate unusual products that any human would buy.

Generate new services ideas any business would buy and explain why.

Generate 10 unheard of products any human would buy at any costs

Which ones of these are realistic and cheap to turn into a real business in a short period of time?

Here are my experience and expertise: […]. I want to start a business with no cash and make it profitable from day one. Propose 10 ideas I can implement today.

Build a detailed business plan with actionable items.

Propose 5 detailed business ideas that would generate billions in value with limited risks.

Propose 5 detailed business ideas that would guarantee success. Be innovative.